Bus Routes
Metro Bus Info & Routes
This year all Madison Metro buses will again use Regent Street for drop off and pick up. Only specialized transportation vans will use Van Hise Street.
The schedule for the Metro school supplemental ‘W-routes’ can be viewed at this link.
Students can purchase Metro bus passes at this link. District-provided Metro passes are available for students who:
1-Reside within the boundaries of the school attendance area
2-Reside more than one and one-half (1.5) miles from their attendance area school.
3-Have demonstrable financial need, including qualifying for free or reduced lunch.
Students who qualify for a district-provided bus pass will be able to pick them up at West during the first week of school and will be allowed to ride for free until bus passes are distributed.
First Student (Yellow Bus) Info & Routes*
*These are the areas not serviced by Metro in the West attendance area. The link will take a few seconds to load the most recent estimated times.
Bus Stop Reminders
Please remember to arrive at the bus stop at least 5 minutes prior to the published stop time. Please note that PM (drop off) times have been estimated. Please be aware:
- The bus could be early, but will wait until the established drop off time.
- The bus could be late due to road conditions, traffic, student interaction, and so on.